Thursday, August 3, 2017

A small barrel for a Newfoundland dog

After the barrel sitting idle on a shelf for a couple of months, I finally took the "trouble" of getting it onto Bertha for a quick photo.

I removed the barrel immediately after the pictures were taken, but Bertha actually didn't seem to mind the small barrel hanging by her collar.

Getting a dog to pose is not that simple..

Bertha with a small barrel.

Now with her eyes closed.


  1. And now the important question.... It will be filled with beer, whisky, brandy... ??? :D :D :D

    1. Hi António.
      It will stay filled with... air.
      The "moron" who made the barrel forgot to out any openings in it..
      And I also never tested if it was tight.
      So I think it will just be a decoration if Bertha ever wants to attend a costume party.

  2. Now all she needs is a glacier on which she can rescue some poor sap.

    1. Hi Brian.
      If the weather in Denmark continues as it has been this "summer", she will have a pond in no time, but a glacier might be a bit more difficult to find.
      Also she needs a proper barrel that can hold something in it :-)

  3. Jonas,

    Bertha is too cute. How old is she now? How a person treats critters tells more about character than just about any other single action. BTW, a little single malt in the barrel would be nice.

    My two send Bertha a happy woof, or at least I think that was what all the barking was about or maybe they just wanted a treat.

    One more thought: Sweet Maggie Dog would want the barrel thrown in the pool again and again, Sam the Wonder Dog would figure it was perfect for an extended game of "tug".


    1. Hi Ken

      Bertha is 10 months old now. We have started laying out tracks for her to follow, since she is much more interested in that than Newfies are normally expected to be.
      I have read that it is a really good exercise for dogs since they use a lot of energy and brain power following a scent around, so they will get tired in a good way.
      I don't know if it is true, but Bertha likes it.

      If the barrel was left on Bertha I am afraid that she would think it was some sort of biting toy, and she would chew it up. Being a puppy with itching teeth is not always easy :-)

      Berhta sends two woofs back to Sam and Maggie
      Jonas & Bertha

  4. Looking good there Bertha :-)
    You got that right, getting a dog to pose is a bit like herding cats :-)

    Bob, with Rudy sleeping by the patio door in the sun after re-arranging the carpet to his liking

    1. Thanks Bob

      I like the herding cats idea. That is a fitting description of the trouble involved :-)

      Greetings to you and Rudy from me and Bertha.


  5. What a great dog. That should be enough whiskey for a hike.

    1. Hi Andy.

      Thanks a lot.
      A hike with a barrel sounds like a good idea, if the weather was a bit more cooperative.
      The weather prophets have predicted two weeks of heavy winds, lots of rain and very little sun.


  6. My Daughter loves your puppy. At that, we were at the beach a few weeks ago and she saw a full grown Newfie and was pretty shocked at the size. Also, it was nice to see your Endgrain article "in print". Once again, Congratulations!

    1. Hi Bill.

      Please say hi to your daughter.
      I am glad that she got the chance of seeing a full grown Newfie. They are kind of impressive :-)
      The good thing is that they are every bit as nice as they are big.
      I haven't received a copy of the magazine myself yet, but I am proud that I am now "on print".

    2. Yeah, he was barking which is how I noticed him, so we went near to him, he sort of gave us a look, and his owner let him come closer, he let us pet him, and then went back on his merry way.

  7. Thank you very much for sharing such a beautiful article.

