Friday, July 15, 2016

Jones F. Devlin Award

Our ship has been awarded an award from the Chamber of Shipping of America.
The Jones F. Devlin Award.

The award can be presented to a vessel that has had a stretch of minimum two years without an LTI (Lost Time Incident).

It feels good once in a while to get a formal recognition of the job that everyone carries out on a daily basis.
The funny thing is that we didn't know that our company participated in the program, so we were pleasantly surprised when the certificate showed up in the ship's mail.

Everyone in our organization is very serious about safety, So even the smallest incidents and near misses are reported and analyzed, in order to make future operations even more safe for all employees.

People are encouraged to write an observation card if they spot either something that could be improved upon, or something that should be commended.

I hope that all of you have an equally safe job environment wherever you work.


  1. Way to go Jonas and the whole ship's company.
    You are right, safety is everyone concerns, more so on a ship at sea... And the only way to stay safe or safer is to analyse what went wrong. We called it Lesson learned in my military.

    Having spend a few years being a Quality Manager, and conducted numerous audits and "fender bender" Accidents or incidents investigations and later on for Flight Safety, I know how easy it is to to screw up, and how professional a crew has to be to achieve such recognition. Bravo Zulu to the whole ship company. Stay safe

    Bob, who finds such news from friends even warmer to my heart.

    1. Hi Bob,
      Thanks for the nice comment.
      I am impressed that you have worked as a Quality Manager. It requires a great deal of diplomatic skills to conduct an audit.


  2. Congrats Jonas to you and the entire crew.

    1. Hi Ralph.

      Thank you.
      Now we just have to make sure to keep those awards coming by continuing to work in a safe manner.

      When ships are considered for contracts, one of the parameters that oil companies look upon is the safety record of the ship. So having an award like this should help us stay attractive when it comes to future contracts.

