Thursday, August 22, 2013

Japanese Vintage Chisels?

My brother is visiting from Japan. (Yes, he is Danish, but currently lives in Japan). I will let him write the remaining part of this post.

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Hello Everyone! This is Jonas's brother Jens. I am visiting Jonas for a few days from Japan and tonight he has just taught me to make dovetails! (Tails first!) - More on this another day.

We talked about an idea to sell vintage Japanese chisels, like the ones in the picture, and would appreciate your feedback on this.

1) Would you be interested in buying vintage/antique Japanese chisels via ebay, directly from Japan?
2) Would you rather buy them as a set or as single chisels?
3) Any other Japanese vintage tools you would be interested in?
4) Would postage of about 15-20 USD for 1-2 chisels be too much?
5) Would you prefer the chisels to be cleaned/ sharpened or just buy as is?

We know there is a few people selling these on ebay already (also directly from Japan) but thought there might be room for one more vendor?

All comments, ideas and suggestions VERY welcome!

Best Regards



  1. MAY be interested.

    With that postage, offer only GREAT tools.

    Set a good price - for the quality. Assuming really good tools, singles would be more affordable than sets.

    Clean and sharp is always better, but not if it adds a huge premium to the price.

  2. I would say it's a good idea. My thoughts are: I would personally prefer to purchase individual tools rather than a whole set; I prefer to sharpen my own chisels but would rather not have to do an entire regrinding; cleaning again is very subjective, I wouldn't want a tool that was a complete mess, but minor clean up is not a big problem.

    Hopefully that helps.

  3. There are certainly quite a few nomi on ebay as I look at them on a daily basis. The biggest problem with buying any Japanese tool is knowing who made it and at what level of quality it is. If you provide that, you'll have sales.

    One seller from Japan who I bought a sashigane from regularly has various tools for sale but has bugger all information about them in the description.

  4. I want to buy them for use in the PRC. Individually, and with the backs lapped.

  5. Hej Jonas.
    Jeg ville være meget interesseret i at købe dem enkeltvis, men gerne i samme forsendelse. Jeg ville også være meget villig til at vente på at Jens igen kommer til Danmark.
    Hilsen Bjørn

  6. I'll tell Jens to go and check out all your comments. He has to get his hands on some tools first. We just discussed the idea since he would like to know if there was any interest at all.

    @ Bjørn
    Det lyder godt. jeg får Jens til at se på bloggen, jeg ved ikke hvad de koster at få sendt til Danmark. Er det nogle bestemte størrelser du leder efter?


  7. Nej ikke specielt, er bare meget interesseret i at prøve nogle rigtige japanske stemmejern og faktisk også en rigtig japansk høvl :-)
    Hilsen Bjørn

  8. Hej Bjørn.

    Jeg burde nok lave en test en dag. Jeg fik en japansk høvl i fødselsdagsgave, men har faktisk ikke rigtigt brugt den endnu.
    Se eventuelt følgende indlæg:
    Det er lidt det samme med de japanske stemmejern jeg har. Jeg er aldrig rigtigt kommet igang med at bruge dem.
    Japanske save derimod er jeg blevet meget stor fan af. De er virkeligt pengene værd.

  9. Dear All,

    Thank you so much for your feedback!

    I will in any case keep my eyes open for good quality used/Antique Japanese handmade chisels, planes, etc and then Jonas and I will let you all know when/if we try to get this thing off the ground!

  10. I would be interested. Hard to say set or individual it would be a case by case basis. If you had good sets of mortise or bench chisels I would rather buy a set of chisels if all are from the same maker.

    1. Hi Shawn. Thanks for your comment. I'll tell Jens to go and check out this post, as he is the one in Japan.
